martedì 1 settembre 2015


 The mummy resides in the Museo Nacional de Historia.” Supposedly, this child had been used as a frozen “sacrifice” as an offering to Incan divinities in order to protect the valley


Unearthed in 1999 from the 22,000-foot summit of Mount Llullaillaco, a volcano 300 miles west of here near the Chilean border, their frozen bodies were among the best preserved mummies ever found, with internal

Loulan Beauty is a Tarim Mummy, discovered in 1980, in Tarim Basin, China.She is 3,800 years old. She is a caucasian decent. Her nickname is a result of her ..


Plomo Mummy" The Plomo Mummy (aka Boy of El Plomo, El Plomo Mummy, or La Momia del Cerro El Plomo in Spanish) is the well preserved remains of an Incan child found on Cerro El Plomo in 1954. It was the first frozen mummy discovery of high-altitude human


La Mummia di Tollund è una mummia di palude particolarmente ben conservata, appartenente ad un uomo vissuto all'incirca nel IV secolo a.C.


mummia delle canarie

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